Statistics at Illinois

Statistics 2024 Convocation Live Stream


Join us for our Statistics Convocation Live Stream on May 12th at 4:30 PM (CST)! Click the button below to join in on the celebration as we honor our graduates!

Block Reference


Read article: Illinois Statistics Datathon challenges participants in unique ways
Illinois Statistics Datathon challenges participants in unique ways
Fueled by determination, problem-solving ingenuity, and a few slices of pizza, 113 teams took on the challenge of the 2024 Illinois Statistics Datathon. The annual event, sponsored by Synchrony in collaboration with Sandia National Laboratory, invited students from all levels across campus to put...
Read article: UIUC faculty are bringing data science to Chicago public schools
UIUC faculty are bringing data science to Chicago public schools
In November 2023, Wade Fagen-Ulmschneider and Karle Flanagan spent a full day at the Discovery Partners...
Block Reference
Read article: What was found in the Illini Hall time capsule
What was found in the Illini Hall time capsule
It’s been almost a year since workers lifted the cornerstone of Illini Hall. It was a momentous event, occurring during the building’s demolition that marked the opening phase of the Altgeld and Illini Hall Project. A crowd of...
Read article: From Illinois to the NFL: one data scientists journey
From Illinois to the NFL: one data scientists journey
In the high-impact world of professional football, player health and safety are of utmost concern. Behind the scenes, data scientists like Illinois alumna, Ishani Desai (BS, '22, statistics and computer science) play a critical role leveraging analytics to track equipment, identify trends, and...
Read article: Christopher Qian receives DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program Award
Christopher Qian receives DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program Award
Christopher Qian, a doctoral student in the Department of Statistics at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, has been named a recipient of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program award. The SCGSR Program is a highly competitive award...

Upcoming Events

Campaign for Altgeld and Illini Halls


The University of Illinois has embarked on a project to restore and renovate Altgeld Hall and replace its neighbor across Wright Street, Illini Hall, with a new building. An investment in these spaces will directly benefit thousands of students and faculty members. The renovation of Altgeld and a new Illini Hall will provide students and faculty collaborative spaces that are essential for learning and discovery in the 21st century and make both buildings accessible to all students.